Mankatha’s trailer will hit the theatres this Friday. According to Praveen, editor of Mankatha, the trailer will be screened during the interval of Azhagar Saamiyin Kudirai. Mankatha trailer, sources say, has come out exceptionally well and the fans are also eager to catch a glimpse of it ever since the song trailer was released on May 1st 2011.
This week turns out to be double special for the Mankatha team, as a single track is also due to be released. STR’s Vaanam also had a single track released before the audio launch and this turned out to be a huge success.
Likewise, Mankatha’s single release is also expected to bring in the maximum publicity.
Mankatha is produced by Dhayanidhi Alagiri of Cloud Nine Movies and directed by Venkat Prabhu. The film stars Ajith, Trisha, Arjun, Lakshmi Rai, Anjali, Premji Amaren and others.
Courtesy: BehindWoods
This week turns out to be double special for the Mankatha team, as a single track is also due to be released. STR’s Vaanam also had a single track released before the audio launch and this turned out to be a huge success.
Likewise, Mankatha’s single release is also expected to bring in the maximum publicity.
Mankatha is produced by Dhayanidhi Alagiri of Cloud Nine Movies and directed by Venkat Prabhu. The film stars Ajith, Trisha, Arjun, Lakshmi Rai, Anjali, Premji Amaren and others.
Courtesy: BehindWoods
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