Monday, May 9, 2011

Just One Song

Mankatha's audio will be unvieled soon.

Before that the director Venkat Prabhu is planning to release just one song from the film's album. The talented director is determined to infuse some innovation into his audio release.

He explains, “Lots of audio launch functions are happening these days. I am just trying to do mine differently. I plan to release just one song from the film in the digital medium, so that it can be used for ring tones and caller tunes. I'm also thinking about releasing one song in an audio CD and then releasing the rest of the songs. That single song may create an impact. The producers are looking for a way to make this idea possible. Listening to songs one by one, makes a lot of difference.“

Asked which song from the film will be released, he reveals, “It will be Ajith's introduction song in the film -hope it rocks!“

Courtesy: DC

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