Thursday, October 11, 2012

English Vinglish Review from Sridhar Pillai

English Vinglish (Tamil) – 4/5. Beautiful & Must C. A feel good as sweet as Laddu, with a neat message told with Indian emotions.

EV (Tamil)- Undoubtedly the film belongs 2 Sridevi. She blends into her role with great agility & a fab supporting cast

EV (Tam) -Gauri Shinde has crafted a movie that will stay in our hearts 4 a long time. However Tamil dubbing & lip sync poor

EV (Tamil)- Thala Ajith is magical & sparkles in his brief appearance. His smile, earnestness raises the bar of the film

Thala Ajith Loved his smile, dialogue delivery & last punchline - "I want to spend some dollars to help the American economy recover!

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