This summer is getting hotter by the day, but the good news for the film-fanatic crowd in Tamil Nadu is that there are many films banking on big expectations lining up to hit theatres when the heat is at its peak! We bring good news to all Ajith fans out there. Recently the director of ‘Mankatha’ Venkat Prabhu opened up on his upcoming magnum opus with Ajith playing the lead. This is also “Thala’s” 50th innings in the Tamil industry.
Courtesy: IndiaGlitz
So what is so big about ‘Mankatha’?
For one the director has confirmed that this film will see Ajith as Vinayak Mahadevan, in a full-fledged negative character for the first time ever. Something to the likes of SRK’s character in ‘Baazighar.’ And the cat is out of the bag! Unlike the other films which have a flashback leading to the circumstances on why the hero turned a villain this film does not have any such scenes nor does it see the hero delivering high-decibel punch dialogues.
Another USP of ‘Mankatha’ is the huge star cast that the film has. Though initially it was just the lead star Ajith who was confirmed later Arjun, Trisha, Lakshmi Rai, Anjali, singer-actress Andrea, Vaibhav and Jayaprakash found their way into the film. Venkat has also revealed that the film is about the catch-me-if-you-can competition between Ajith and Arjun. The latter plays a role similar to a special branch CID. While the first half of the film deals with a problem and the people affected by it, the second half finds a solution to the problem. The second part depicts the happenings of a single day.
Right from the salt and peppery natural look that Ajith sports to the dance and stunt sequences he has worked hard and it has shown through out the film, says Venkat complementing the actor. The director also opines that after the release of ‘Mankatha’ men might opt out dying their hair and go in for the ‘salt n pepper’ look sported by the hero in the film.
Post ‘Nayakan’ the camera moves in and out of crampy and crooked lanes of Dharavi in ‘Mankatha’. The slum, with a lot of Tamil population, came out in full force to have a glimpse of Ajith and was screaming the actor’s name throughout the shoot. Though it was overwhelming for the cast and crew, at times it was tough to shoot the film recalls the director. Though he had never imagined that he would make a film with a big star cast here he is with ‘Mankatha,’ which will be a double bonanza for the fans of Ajith declares the captain of team ‘Mankatha,’ Venkat Prabhu!
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